Friday 5 October 2012

WILDLIFE: My Photography Introduction

Well here is something I have long been interested in for a whole range of reasons but mainly my interest in nature and all manner of wildlife.

I used to use a Canon 350D which I surprised myself with when i purchased it as I was always a Nikon man!

These days that camera is absent but I plan to replace it with a DSLR very soon and a Nikon I might add, saw the D80 (I think it was called) and with the pixel count I have a particular interest in using that for a certain type of photography I employ.

However as well as the digital camera on my smart phone, rubbish if I am honest, I do have a digital compact camera in the form of the Nikon S8200 and I love it and cannot believe how far these cameras have come.

In the early days not only have a memory card that could hold more than a dozen or so images you would be hard pressed to actually have a battery that could manage to keep up too!

I visit many local Nature Reserves and Parks, not inner city parks really as I do not live there, and when I do I always take the Nikon with me. Much of my photographs involved close ups on a Macro setting of things with very intricate and finite detail.

Very small animals and plants including British Orchids, reptiles, amphibians, birds and invertebrates and fish are just somewhat too difficult with my current tools of choice. But maybe in time ....?

So I will add to this blog from time to time with pictures I have recently taken along with some in the more distant past.

Also of course there will be picture of my own Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Cool Orchids as they grow and come into flower and that will take place on my Orchid blog.

In fact the number of blogs is increasing somewhat due to my wide variety of interests and could easily add cinema, mountain biking and a few others. In time we will see how much interest it generates after all no one wants to preach to an empty room?!

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