Monday 29 November 2021


Just a selection and a few of the photos I have managed to work on but sadly I am underpowered with a temperamental laptop and this is just a small selection edit from what is now 10,000 images.

These wee only lightly edited from raw files form a 42 megapixel sensor and reduced to 20% of their original size.

Saturday 7 September 2019


Been back at the grindstone .. for a number of weeks though I have a few .. issues as well as obstacles .. I cannot process my RAW files they way I would like .. for the moment.

Been killing it, and myself, for around four to six weeks now. Some self psychological tricks and some brute force. Almost got me killed .. twice in 30 seconds .. bunch of other idiot cyclists and when I avoided them at high speed my heart went wild.

Still here to tell the tale.

Also as it turned out I was being punished .. due to other blogs and for telling the truth, would you believe? Been going on since 2016 though I suspected it a lot sooner.

Now at the time many said I was mad .. but not any more and I did manage to prove it.

I have also been hitting several social media sites to build up interest .. some a month or so others back in January. They have been hitting those too. It seems some truths are not OK while some lies are .. would you believe it?

I have taken a fair few and over 6,100 since I got back into it some weeks back. Along with my Sony A99II I also take out a little Nikon compact I have been using for years. Wish I could replace this with something that is more .. professional, manual, raw files and with much larger apertures.

I will get to the ones taken with the Sony I have ever so slightly altered.

These are taken with the very old Nikon that is a camera for snap photography really ..

Tuesday 31 July 2018


Well it has been a long rough ride during the roughest and toughest time in my life which seemingly has no end. Not even a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel.

It has taken me weeks to work out what has been up with my photograph rejections and as it turns out ..

  • One site accepted photos it already rejected?!
  • One site was rejecting 33% of 6 and then 100% of over 60?!
  • Another site, Adobe who make Photoshop and Lightroom, tell me that when you edit photos too much they more or less do not become photos any longer?!
    • So I said your software, Lightroom is wrongly named photo-editing software then?!

So it was suggested to me that I look for other sites that cater more for artistic pictures. Oddly enough I already did that and had a tab open. But I did not decide to go with them.

Nor did I go with the next half a dozen I looked at, though I came close a few time and espcailly with one called Folksy.

In the end I went with one called Deviant Art. Seemed OK though I did not know there was a limit to what you can put up without an upgraded account.

Also I went from 2GB down to one and the next day I started uploading and it was back at 2GB so I do not know if the limit is 2GB per day?

I have been rammed into a corner and my health is playing up and I am having difficulties trying to carry out my mission.

Even ow after realising that the evil social services tried to trap my daughter after trying to get her to sign a document that basically stated she was going to get into trouble no matter what and wanted her to fucking agree to it, now confirmed by a solicitor. Even with my heart playing up several times and me wondering if I was going to have a heart attack. Even with my daughter fretting on the phone about what the social services were going to try this time and try next. Even when I kicked a car door with blood coming from my leg and a bruise sure to follow. Even with being called out suddenly to go to my storage lock up to get some stuff out before I lose all my remaining belongings. Even with all that .. I got someone faking crying over a one foot wide strip of carpet needing a vacuum. Yah .. I said tears! I am wondering if I am going to get whined at tomorrow because someone else has been whining today and I was not even in the fucking house at all, all day!

See I keep telling people I just cannot win!

I need to get out .. I need to move on and my finances have all been cut off .. my ad revenue has been frozen. I have been contacted by some suspect people and I even .. hmm lets just say looked at half a dozen times today?

So another plan to fight back and the mountains placed before me..

Deviant Art.

They will help you sell all manner of things of an artistic nature and maybe others?

Here is the place that photos I have played around with in my photo editor to look bright, contrasting, soft and even a little watercolour painting like will end up ..